Charitable Donations is open to providing charitable donations or contributions to registered non-profit or tax-exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as well as establishing partnership with business organizations for a charitable cause.

Guidelines for Charitable Contributions:

Do you have a charitable project or cause that you think we can help to donate or contribute? Let us know about it in writing by means of a Request for Donation ninety (90) days prior to the date in which the donation is needed to and with the following information:
172 East Nesquehoning Street
Easton, PA 18042
United States

  • Tax Identification Number (TIN): Your tax ID number and the state where you are formally registered as a non-profit or tax-exempt organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Service Code (IRS) 501(c)(3).
  • Brief Information about your Organization: A targeted information about your organization, including what you do, who you help, and your primary source for funding.
  • Beneficiary: Telling us of a specific beneficiary for which the donation or charitable contribution is intended.
  • The reason for requesting a donation from Telling us of the reason, or why the need, for such donation, including the amount of contribution needed.
  • Contact Person and Information: Including your office address, official contact number, your organization's website, and other important contact information.

  • Restrictions for Giving Charitable Contributions: is committed to extending charitable contributions, except for the following and related thereto:

  • Individuals and families;
  • Individuals or groups for religious and political purposes;
  • Charitable contributions aimed at raising funds for capital expenditures, political or partisan programs, national ceremonies, memorials, conferences, fundraising lunches or dinners, testimonial, and similar events;
  • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.

  • Our Current Partners:

    Through our Fundraising Coupon Codes, part of your purchase when you reach through our partner online shopping malls, i.e., and, helps to donate to your favorite cause or charity.